Sylvia Chauca



Practice areas

Corporate Law
Contract Law
Registry Law
Mergers and Acquisitions

With over 10 years of experience, she has advised companies on complying with regulatory obligationsand structuring contractual frameworks of a civil and commercial nature. She has also participated in due diligence processes and advisory for acquisitions, providing support in drafting corporate documents and analyzing titles and registry records.

Other professional activities

Delrot Consultants
Associate – Corporate Area (2018)

Hernández & Cía. Attorneys-at-Law
Associate-Corporate Finance Area (2012- 2018)

Larraín Vial S.A. Sociedad Administradora de Fondos de Inversión (Investment Funds Management Company)
Pre-professional Intern-Legal Management (2011-2012)

Olcese & Asociados Research Firm
Pre-professional Intern in the Corporate Area (2011)

Author of the article “Algunas implicaciones registrales a considerarse en la fusión societaria: comentarios en torno a la Resolución No. 160-2007-SUNARP-TR-T”, published in Actualidad Civil magazine.

Participation in conferences and seminars on relevant legal issues in the corporate field.

Former Member of the Civil Association “Law and Society” of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

Second Specialty in Registry Law, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (2015–2016)

Lawyer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (2015)

Spanish, English, and French